Extra Police Patrols For Mad Friday

Police say plans are in place to deal with any disorder as thousands of people pack into our region's pubs this weekend.

Published 18th Dec 2014

Extra officers will be on patrol in Yorkshire and Northern Lincolnshire today to help deal with any trouble on Mad Friday.

Today's one of the busiest times of the year for our region's night-time economy.

Thousands of people are expected in local bars and restaurants to celebrate the start of the festive period.

Sergeant Ian Goode from Humberside Police says plans are in place to deal with the surge in revellers. He told Viking FM:

"We have a clinical medical unit that is going to set up at Trinity Square and they will look after people who are vulnerable, who have low level injuries should something happen or if they are ill through intoxication. We also have additional street marshalls on and they will be our eyes and ears aswell as the door staff out there and help sign post any potential issues that we may have to deal with.

"The footfall in the city is probably going to go up by about 50% and with that comes knock-on problems. It's people doing things that they wouldn't normally do, whether that be larking about because of alcohol and pushing the boundaries a little bit too much."

He says they'll also be on the lookout for anyone taking illegal substances this evening:

"There will be a high amount of alcohol taken and unfortunately people will take other substances so we have prepared for that aswell. We will have passive drugs dogs in the city-centre, so if there are people out there thinking that they are going to come into the city and try substances like that, we will be out there looking for you and you will be dealt with appropriately."