East Yorkshire and North East Lincolnshire Had Over 165 Dogs Stolen In the Last Year

Blue Cross charity believes that there has been a 40% increase in dog-knapping since 2012.

Published 19th Nov 2015

In the Viking FM region the most commonly stolen dogs are Staffordshire Bull Terriers.

Almost half of us that own dogs believe that dog-knapping is a carefully targeted crime, with many dogs being used for ransom, and sometimes 'bait' in illegal dog fighting.

Nationally the most targeted breeds are Chihuahuas, Cocker Spaniels, Jack Russell’s and German Shepherds.

Viking FM spoke to Amy Bryan from Hull Animal Welfare Trust who is urging dog owners to take more care to help protect their dogs...

'Some people make it easy for them. Tying your dog up outside shops, supermarkets. Leaving them in the garden when you go out. Dogs being in kennel and runs, it makes them an easy target for people to come in and steal them.'

'Make sure your animals are ID chipped. They've got collars and disks on. Obviously you don't leave your car keys in your car when you leave it, don't make things easy for a thief if they are going to pinch your dog.'

'Pedigrees get targeted. A lot of pedigrees are stolen to order. Lurcher get stolen to be used for hare coursing. You get small dogs which are stolen to be used as bait for dog fighting.'

'I think the government need to change the law on prosecution. I think harsher sentencing, also for animal cruelty. If there were harsher punishments it might deter people.'