Crime in East Yorkshire and Northern Lincolnshire drops by 14%

Figures have been released today

Author: Rebecca QuarmbyPublished 22nd Jul 2021

Humberside Police say the decrease in the number of crime related incidents is due to the effects of COVID.

Other statistics show:

1) Sexual offences have dropped by 6.4% across Humberside against an average of 8.5% nationally.

2) Drug offences in the region have increased by 31.6% against a national increase of 13.5% thanks to Operation Galaxy.

3) Theft offences declined across the board, with thefts against a person declining by 52%, burglary down by 31.4%, vehicle offences by 43% and shoplifting down by 41.5%.

Assistant Chief Constable Darren Downs, Humberside Police, said:

“it has also been achieved as a result of our increased visibility, and our commitment to ensuring our communities feel safe and protected over the last 12 months.

“We’ve seen reduced crime across the board for theft offences, which we’re particularly pleased by. Offences of this nature have a huge impact on the victims, as they can leave them feeling violated and fearing for their safety, so to see declining crime rates across all theft offences is a great achievement. That has been done through our various education and awareness campaigns over the last 12 months.”

The report also highlighted that, despite a global pandemic, Humberside Police was able to continue reducing drug-related crime in the area, with drug related crime reporting increasing by 31.6%.

ACC Downs added;

“During the last 12 months, Operation Galaxy has arrested over 1,600 people, recovered over £6 million worth of drugs and taken more than 50 lethal weapons off the streets. We’ve seen an increase in the possession of cannabis (53.1%) offences in the region and we’ve tackled it well, successfully closing down a number of cannabis farms and drug selling rings in the area.

“We are starting to see a positive difference in the communities most affected by drug crime, and through our Humber Talking initiative and ongoing media appeals, we have observed an increase in community information coming through to our local policing teams. This information has been critical to the targeted action we’ve been taking and has ensured we have been investigating the crime types and people that they are most concerned about.”

Recording of crime has become a Force-wide priority at Humberside Police and this aligns with the findings of ONS. The latest data highlights that Public Order Offences increased by 12.6% (versus a national average of 6.2%) in the region but this is down to changes in how crimes are reported, rather than a like-for-like increase.

Deputy Chief Constable, Paul Anderson said;

“We are a force on the front foot and we are taking control of our streets and roads, making the lives of criminals and predators difficult and uncomfortable. We are determined and committed in tackling criminality across the Humberside force area. Our priority will always be to ensure our communities feel safe and protected and this data affirms that we’re doing things right and going in the right direction.”