Crackdown on Street Drinkers In Grimsby

The local authority has teamed up with police to target those causing problems in the Freeman Street area.

Published 1st Sep 2015

Work's taking place to help tackle anti-social behaviour caused by street drinking in the Freeman Street area of Grimsby.

As part of a two-day crackdown - North East Lincolnshire Council's working with police to target those causing problems.

It's after further complaints from residents and businesses about a number of issues in the area.

A drinking ban has already been introduced in the area and officers will be out patrolling the area today and tomorrow to target those breaching the order and to also reassure the public.

Councillor Dave Watson, portfolio holder for environment, tourism and the visitor economy said:

“All of the agencies supporting the days of action are keen to work together to tackle alcohol related issues and anti-social behaviour across the borough – they are key priorities for us all. The Freeman Street area community have told us their concerns, where the issues are and how often the problem occurs. Clearly we cannot address and solve all of the issues identified within a two day operation, but this work marks the start of a longer term multi-agency strategy and it is likely that this and other initiatives will be repeated in areas of concern in the future.”

Inspector Mel Christie of Grimsby’s urban community policing team said:

“We are aware of the concerns of the local community and will be supporting partners in addressing those throughout the days of action. This will include working alongside NE Lincolnshire Council in their use of the PSP orders. We will look to ensure that the associated powers are used for the protection of the public from alcohol related crime and disorder.”