Calls for National Wind Energy College for Humber

Grimsby MP, Melanie Onn, will discuss the proposals in Parliament today.

Published 1st Nov 2016

The MP for Grimsby will again put forward the case for a National Wind Energy College for the Humber region today.

Plans for such a facility were first announced by the coalition government months before the 2015 general election, but was then omitted in the following Autumn Statement.

Melanie Onn wants to ensure the plans aren't dropped from this year's Autumn Statement - and will set out in Parliament why the Humber's the ideal location for the facility to be developed.

Ms Onn told Viking:

"The Humber region has got a growing sector for the renewables industry; we have seen Siemens on the north bank and massive developments taking place on the south bank out of Grimsby Docks too and it is only right that local people have the right to get the skills and trained in their back yard for jobs that are on their doorstep.

"We are known now as the Energy Estuary and we know that Grimsby is the renewables capital of the country and the right thing to do now is to make sure that local people have access to the jobs that are coming and the way to do that is to have a National College that provides the high level skills for people to enter the industry.

"This is about making sure that the issue is not left any longer and that it remains at the top of the government's agenda as the plans have been around for a long time now. The government has a role to play if it wants to see the success of the Northern Powerhouse then it needs to make sure this college is built and we see it in the Humber region."