Calls for the government to support left behind neighbourhoods in Hull

The city is in the top three areas of England to have the most communities suffering with health inequalities

Author: Rebecca QuarmbyPublished 28th Feb 2022

There are fresh calls for the government to support left behind neighbourhoods in Hull.

The city is in the top three areas of England to have the most communities suffering with health inequalities.

A report shows those people living in disadvantaged areas like St. Andrew’s are living shorter lives by around 7 and a half years.

As we look into the devastating impact people are facing in deprived areas – the MP for Hull West and Hessle Emma Hardy is backing our #lifeonthebreadline news special, she said:

“I’ve been involved with the vascular All Parliamentary group and we were looking at the number of amputations and the number of people suffering from circulatory conditions and how that’s linked to areas of greater deprivation. To tackle these issues, it needs to be approached holistically.

“We need to be looking at prevention that’s looking at the stop smoking services, tackling obesity and all of the public health initiatives that are so crucially important in helping people to live those healthier lives.

“We need to be looking at the money people are taking home in their pocket and the benefit system. But as well – those families who are just earning above the benefit rate meaning they’re not entitled to any additional support.”