Haircuts raise £1,424.28 for Cash for Kids!

Skie and Sam decided they wanted to get creative and help sick, disadvantaged and disabled children in East Yorkshire and Northern Lincolnshire.

Published 4th Mar 2016

Skie came home from school one day and told her mum she would like to have her long hair cut to help the little girls who may need wigs because they're poorly (Little Princess Trust). Skie's mum Jemma got straight on the case and put a plan into action!

Jemma decided not just to help Skie have her hair cut and raise funds for Little Princess Trust, she wanted to put on an event to showcase Skie's haircut and raise money for Cash for Kids too!

Sam then joined the mission to help and agreed she would have her hair cut too...which was past her waist!

Jemma and Sam found a venue for their event, gathered prizes from local businesses (alot of them!), children's entertainment, facepainters and even a buffet!

All to bring together their local community and raise funds for Cash for Kids and Little Princess Trust.

Through the help of the local community, local businesses and the kindess of a young girl this amazing event raised an outstanding £1,424.88 (including gift aid) for local sick, disadvantaged and disabled children. Skie and Sam also collected sponsorship for Little Princess Trust!

The money raised will make such a significant difference to the lives of many local children in our area. Thank you very much to everyone involved!!

If you would like to be like Skie, Sam and Jemma and help Cash for Kids fundraise please contact