WATCH: Jon Bon Jovi 'forced' to sing 'Livin' on a Prayer' at a friend's wedding

He said he didn't want to be involved.

Published 11th Jul 2016

There's nothing worse than turning up as a wedding guest and then being coerced into singing on stage, but unfortunately that's what happened to Jon Bon Jovi.

In an incredibly awkward video recently been uploaded to YouTube the aging rocker was attending a wedding when the band started to sing his 1986 hit 'Livin' on a Prayer'.

As the singer Lourdes Valentin approached Jon with the microphone his face is a picture. Smiling, but clearly wishing the ground would swallow him up, he reluctantly gets on stage and starts singing.

Despite his reluctancy he soon gets into the mood and continues to sing along to the band's interpretation of his hit.

Speaking to the Associated Press Lourdes said that she had asked Jon about joining in before the performance and he had said he didn't want to so she was 'very surprised when Jon did then grace us with his talent.'

The impromptu performance went down well with all the guests and of course the bride and groom who can be seen enjoying the singalong in the video.

Photo credit: © YouTube/Fabinho Jovi

That's one to tell the kids!