WATCH: The first Friends reunion trailer - could it BE any more exciting?

The cast reunite for a tribute to the director James Burrows.

Published 4th Feb 2016

The news that there would be a Friends reunion had many fans quaking in their boots and now the first clip of the show has been released.

An All-Star Tribute to James Burrows, to be aired in the US later this month, brings together the cast of various TV shows all directed by James Burrows and includes some of the biggest comedies such as The Big Bang Theory, Fraiser and of course Friends.

Five of the original cast of Friends attended the event with Matthew Perry taping a segment for the show as he had other commitments - he is currently performing in The End Of Longing in London's West End.

The short trailer shows the cast being asked if they had to sign contracts to say they wouldn't sleep together, to which Lisa Kudrow jokingly responds, "David, say something!"

The show was filmed last week when photos of the Friends and The Big Bang Theory cast posing together surfaced on social media.

An All-Star Tribute to James Burrows will be shown on NBC in America on the 21st February.