Phil Collins and ex-wife want to remarry

The couple are now back together 8 years after their divorce.

Published 22nd Feb 2016

Phil Collins and ex-wife Orianne Cevey are back together 8 years after their divorce.

The Genesis star and his Swiss wife Orianne originally married back in 1999, unfortunately it didn't work out the first time round and the pair divorced in 2008 after having two children together.

It now seems as though the couple are back together and happier than ever, in a recent interview Collins said: "We realised we missed each other, we made a mistake and we fixed it."

Orianne has also confirmed that a remarriage could be on the cards, In an interview with a Swiss newspaper she said:

"I now call Phil my husband again. We are so close that it does not actually make a difference if we are married or not, but we are determined to get married for a second time one day."

Collins is currently working on a new solo LP.