Men In Black producer hints at a reboot

Hollywood producers Walter Parkes and Laurie MacDonald say a trilogy could be on the cards.

Published 25th Sep 2015

Hollywood producer Walter Parkes who has worked on Minority Report, The Ring and Men In Black hinted that there might be a reboot of the popular sci-fi comedy.

Walter produced all three of the Men in Black films which starred Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones.

In a recent interview with The Hollywood Reporter magazine he said that there had been talk of reviving the franchise with film studio Sony, although it was unlikely that Will Smith would return.

Walter's wife and producing partner Laurie MacDonald told the magazine, "it will be reinvented as a trilogy", but no further details were released.

Will Smith played the lead role of James Darrell Edwards III / Agent J in all three films as well as recording the theme tune - see the video below.

Photo credit: PA Photos