Nottinghamshire Police arrest hundreds during 'A Deadly Mix' campaign

They say the December campaign saw them arrest more than 230 people for drink or drug driving

Notts Police's 'A Deadly Mix' campaign
Author: Oliver MorganPublished 15th Jan 2023

During the festive period, Nottinghamshire Police say 233 people were arrested for drink or drug driving.

It follows a widespread crackdown, which was launched across the county in December, and part of the 'A Deadly Mix' campaign, reminding drivers of the potential consequences of driving while under the influence.

In total 133 of the arrests were on suspicion of drink driving, 77 on suspicion of driving under the influence of drugs, and 23 on suspicion of failing to provide a sample for analysis.

This was two more arrests than the same period in the previous year.

Inspector John Lees, of Nottinghamshire Police, said: “Whilst the results demonstrate a very successful policing operation, it is disappointing this many drivers chose to endanger innocent lives over the festive period.

“The decision to drive while you’re under the influence of drink or drugs takes just a split second, but the consequences could last a lifetime.

“We have first-hand experience of having to deliver the devastating news to the families of those involved in fatal collisions that their loved ones have died. We would not wish this on anyone which is why we work hard throughout the year to tackle these crimes.

“As in previous years, I would like to thank those members of the public who called us to report a drink driver. Our enforcement efforts will of course continue all year round and intelligence from the public is invaluable in keeping our roads safe.”

During the campaign, the force distributed over 2000 posters and 5000 beermats - all with the aim of educating road users of the consequences of drink driving.

These were distributed to pubs across the county, with similar messaging on Nottingham City Transport buses too.

They also took part in a number of 'roadshow' events in Nottingham's Trinity Square.

A social media campaign also ran throughout December and included clips from an interview with Nottinghamshire mum Clair Osborne, who lost her husband in a collision caused by a drink-driver in 2021.

Inspector Lees said: "This year, we have placed a greater emphasis on encouraging those planning a night out to think about how they’re getting home – and I would like to thank Clair for the part she has played in sharing this very important message.

“If you have not done so already, please watch her interview. I’d be truly amazed if anyone who saw it then got behind the wheel when under the influence of drink or drugs.

“It was a very emotional interview and I am convinced her words will change attitudes and save lives.

“I would also like to thank the venues that took part in our ‘A Deadly Mix’ campaign by putting up posters and laying out beermats that raised awareness about the impacts and dangers of driving under the influence.”

Anyone with information about suspected drink or drug driving should contact Nottinghamshire Police, by calling 101.

In case of an emergency, or if you believe a crime is in progress, always dial 999.

Alternatively, contact the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111, or via their online form.