Man who raped teenage girl in Center Parcs lodge jailed

The man had been taken in by a family in a neighbouring lodge after rowing with his partner

Author: Rosanna Robins Published 18th Jan 2024

A man who sexually assaulted a teenage girl after her family let him stay at their lodge has been jailed.

Caden Crossley, 29, had been on holiday at Center Parcs Sherwood Forest in June 2022.

After rowing with his partner, a family at a neighbouring lodge took Crossley in after getting to know him.

But as the family slept, Crossley snuck into the girl's bedroom and subjected her to a prolonged sexual assault.

The victim then raised the alarm and police were called shortly afterwards.

Crossley denied having any sexual contact with his victim, even when confronted with DNA evidence which proved he was lying.

But with the trial approaching, Crossley, formerly of Leeds, eventually pleaded guilty to rape, assault by penetration and sexual assault.

Appearing at Nottingham Crown Court on Thursday (18 January) he was given a 12 year extended sentence.

Crossley, who is already serving a five-year jail sentence after he was convicted of firearms offences in March 2023, will also be the subject of a sexual harm prevention order that will restrict his activities when he is released from prison.

Detective Constable Gemma Sidebottom, of Nottinghamshire Police, said: “Crossley raped and sexually assaulted a child as she slept and has rightly received a very significant jail sentence today.

“His actions that day were utterly despicable and have unsurprisingly had a very significant impact on his victim and her family.

“In subsequent police interviews – including one conducted in jail – Crossley repeatedly denied anything had happened, calling into question the honesty of the victim in his case.

“Even when confronted with incontrovertible DNA evidence of this crime, he carried on lying about what had happened – adding further stress for his victim and her family.

“As his case finally comes to an end, I would like to place on record my thanks to the victim who has shown immense bravery throughout this process.

“I hope this sentence gives her at least some degree of closure.”