Covid cases more than double in Leicestershire

"Take care and get vaccinated" says County Council

Author: Alex MeakinPublished 4th Jun 2021
Last updated 4th Jun 2021

Leicestershire County Council have urged residents to "take action now" to slow the spread of Covid after cases doubled in a week.

Figures have jumped from 15.2 per 100,000 people to 38 per 100,000.

Rates have more than trebled in Blaby District, which now has 57.1 per 100,000, and Charnwood (57.6 per 100,000) over the same period and compare to the national average of 32.4.

Mike Sandys, the county council director public health said: "The picture in Leicestershire has worsened quickly and we could be in for a bumpy ride if we don’t take action now."

"We are seeing rises – particularly in children and young people and those in their 30s. This is driven by people mixing more and we’re seeing a number of cases connected to barbecues and parties. And also because like the rest of the country, the more transmissible delta variant is the dominant strain in Leicestershire."

"We’re in a better position compared to the start of the year. I know it’s been a tough 15 months but the pandemic isn’t over. If you’re getting together with friends and family, take care, make sure you’re doing the right thing by meeting up sensibly, and crucially, take the opportunity to get vaccinated."