Call for dashcam footage in a bid to curb crashes in Nottinghamshire

A new project is underway at the University of Nottingham

Author: Jemma HallPublished 13th Jan 2024

Nottinghamshire's drivers, cyclists, pedestrians and motorcyclists are ebing asked to play a big role in crash-prevention research in the county. The University of Nottingham is calling out for road users' footage of near misses across the county's roads.

Researchers want to look over videos to try and identify some potential accident hotspots in a bid to prevent future crashes.

The information they gather will be passed on to the City Council.

Project leader, Karl Miller, says: "A lot of the time when you see any changes to the roads, it is because there has been an actual crash. So, we are hoping if we can map these out, and the kinds of crashes that are happening, we can hopefully put interventions in place to stop future crashes happening in these places.

"We want you to watch back your videos, watch videos from other road users and tell us what you think of these near crashes. We need that expertise from people who are on the road and we need vulnerable road users to be represented in this project and take part as a citizen scientist.

"This project is not just for car drivers. WE are interested in motorcyclists, cyclists, pedestrians. Nottingham does have a mix of road users and we want to paint a perspective from all these different people on the roads."

Anyone interested in supporting the project can find out more on the University's website: