Proposed plans for McDonald’s in Cairnryan spark controversy

The nearest franchise is over 50 miles away.

There is a consultation this afternoon to discuss potential plans to build a McDonald's in Cairnryan
Author: Ruth RidleyPublished 13th Nov 2024

On the day McDonald's celebrates 50 years in the UK, people living in Cairnryan are getting the chance to have their say on whether they want one of their fast-food outlets there.

There's not one within 50 miles of the ferry port but there's a public consultation in the Village Hall later on the possibility of one being built.

Some believe it would create much-needed jobs and investment but not everyone is for it.

Stevie Parker moved up from Essex with her family four years ago after falling in love with the natural surroundings.

Her home is a stone's throw away from the proposed site.

“The traffic is going to be horrific. It sometimes can be anyway with cars coming in and out of the ferry dock because I’ve got that right over the road from me as well. I just can’t see it being beneficial in Cairnryan.

“I’m so worried about pollution and litter. It only takes a little bit of wind, and it could everywhere – even into the water.

“We have otters, and we’ve got dolphins now and then come into the loch and seals. We’ve got quite a lot of wildlife in the area, deer, rabbits, and it would just be such a shame to have that affect everything.”

Parker isn’t against having a fast-food franchise but thinks it would be better suited somewhere else.

“There is one bus to Cairnryan and it’s every hour, hour and a half. It means there will be a lot of kids coming into Cairnryan in the dark just for the effect of a McDonalds. If you’re going to going to put a McDonald’s anywhere, put it in Stranraer where the majority of the kids are.

“I’m not going to feel safe for my kids to play out the front of our property knowing that there could be loads of lorries, loads of cars. They’re not going to be able to play through the fear of being knocked down by a car and you don’t know who is in that car or lorry.”

Cafes, a community hub, or a shop would be more needed she thinks.

Tracy Davidson has lived in Cairnryan all her days and thinks this opportunity will be good for the village.

“I think McDonald’s would transform a derelict building, provide somewhere for locals and passing trade to get something to eat and create much-needed employment in an area crying out for jobs. At present, a lot of people locally are travelling to Ayr or Dumfries to go to McDonald’s.

“Right now, there is a serious lack of facilities in Cairnryan, and this is one of the larger points in the UK with two major ferry companies in the area with no places for people to eat.”

Online, there were comments made about fears of it turning into a hotspot for youngsters to hang out, but Davidson believes this could attract all ages to the area and wouldn’t necessarily be a bad thing as they would be safe and warm.

If these plans get the green light, she hopes that this will regenerate the village.

Paul McClymont runs a seasonal business inside the ferry port at P&O Cairnryan which is opposite the proposed site for McDonald’s.

As well as having some traffic-related concerns, McClymont fears the worst if this proposal goes ahead.

“We strongly rely on the very little footfall and staff and others within the building to keep us in business at the quiet times. If this would go ahead it would be catastrophic to our little family business. I currently employ 3 to 5 people throughout the year.

“There is no way we could compete with McDonald's prices. I firmly believe this will put us out of business. I understand they are saying it will bring X amount of jobs but what about the jobs and businesses that are going to be lost? Are McDonald's going to give any Compensation to the staff and businesses that will suffer?

The consultation starts at 3pm today in the Village Hall where members of the public can pop along.

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