Survey finds Dorset Police should be tougher on Covid rule breakers

76% think the force should take a tougher approach.

Author: George Sharpe Published 30th Sep 2020

Dorset Police should be taking a harder line on COVID-19 rule breakers, according to a new survey.

It has revealed 76% of us think a tougher approach should be taken.

Dorset Police has previously said it would use enforcement of the rules as a 'last resort', in favour of engagement, education and encouragement

The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Dorset launched the survey last week following the Prime Minister's announcement of new restrictions, and nearly 1,800 people responded to it in less than 48 hours.

Nearly 92% of those who responded said they supported the approach taken by the responsible agencies in Dorset, of explaining and encouraging people to follow the rules, prior to enforcement.

However, when asked which statement best described their view of how agencies could do more to minimise the risk of further transmission, 55% thought they should take a harder line with those not following the rules while 21% thought a zero tolerance approach should be taken towards rule breaking.

Only 3% said those agencies should show more leniency when enforcing the rules and 8% said enforcement should be used as a last resort - with the remainder suggesting that agencies should continue as they had done so far.

Martyn Underhill, Dorset Police and Crime Commissioner, said:

"After the Government announced new measures last Tuesday to combat the spread of coronavirus, it was vitally important that we took a snap survey of the public's views into how they feel authorities in Dorset should approach the enforcement of Covid-19 restrictions.

"If a new approach needs to be taken towards enforcing the new restrictions and taking firmer action against those who don't comply with the rules, it's important we find out whether the public supports this.

A spokesperson for Dorset Police said:

"Everyone has a role to play limiting the outbreak by following the rule of six restrictions imposed by the Government.

"Officers will continue to be out in communities - engaging, explaining and encouraging people to act responsibly. We will take enforcement action where necessary, but only as a very last resort.

"Again we remind everyone to play their part and act responsibly."