Dorset families of children with special educational needs asked for their opinions
Dorset Council wants to know what you think of their services
Families of disabled children or young people with special educational needs in Dorset are being asked for their opinions.
Dorset Council want to know about their experiences of the services they offer and what they'd like to see change.
Cllr Andrew Parry, Dorset Council Portfolio Holder for Children, Education and Early Years, said:
"We want to hear from parents, carers and young people to gather your views and experiences of the services and provision in Dorset for children and young people aged 0 - 25 years with additional needs.
"Your feedback is important as it will help us learn which areas are working well, and the areas that could be improved upon. The information you provide will go towards updating the Dorset Special Educational Needs and Disability Strategy and help us to continue our improvement work."
Elaine Okopski, Participation Co-ordinator for Dorset Parent Carer Council, said:
"We are really pleased to have worked with Dorset Council on this survey. It is a great opportunity for all parents, carers and young people with SEND to share their experience of local services, and to have a voice in shaping services and provision locally, so all children and young people with SEND have the best possible outcomes. Please do take part, your voice really matters."
How to take part in the survey
The survey will be available until 31 March and should take approximately 20 minutes to complete, depending on how much you want to tell us. Click here to complete the survey.
The results will be published on Dorset's SEND Local Offer webpage (personal details and names will be withheld). If you need a hard copy of the survey, would like it in a different language, or need help completing it then please contact your key worker or email Kim Saint (