'Sonic' skipper must apologise for Dorset river speeding

The skipper aboard 'Sonic' the motorboat must apologise for damage he could have caused by speeding along the River Frome.

Author: George SharpePublished 17th Nov 2020

A 30-year-old man from Hertfordshire must write an apology letter to the Environment Agency for the damage he could have caused by speeding down the River Frome near Wareham and Poole.

He admitted travelling at excessive speed and causing a danger to other water users in 'Sonic', the motorboat, on Saturday 29th August 2020. Its an offence under the new Merchant Shipping (Safety of Navigation) Regulations 2020.

But, his punishment acts as a way for him to make amends, and receive education on proper boat control.

He's been told to apologise to the Environment Agency, enroll in a boat handling course, and pay any unpaid harbour dues owed to Poole Harbour Commissioners.

His punishment is part of a community resolution notice, which aims to make first-time offenders make good the harm cause by their actions.

Marine Policing Team co-ordinator Roan Doyle, of Dorset Police, said:

“In this case we saw substandard navigation skills, excessive speeds and a disregard for other water users. Together these create a recipe for disaster.

“Nobody was injured, but the risk was very real. What we’ve seen repeatedly is use of boats and other watercraft by individuals who have no training or experience in handling them, nor any awareness of the byelaws and restrictions in place.

“Ignorance is no excuse and anybody intending to head out on the water must familiarise themselves with their obligations. However, where marine offending is low level, a first marine offence and the individual concerned shows remorse for their actions, Dorset Police will use the community resolution process to effectively require them to undergo training at their own cost to address the underlying issue.

“Repeat offenders, where offending is serious and poses an immediate danger to life, or those who do not admit wrongdoing will be ineligible to receive a community resolution and existing court processes may be followed on the basis of the evidence of the individual case.”

Environment Agency Fisheries Specialist Stuart Kingston-Turner said:

“The speed limit on the River Frome is four knots. This speed limit exists to help ensure the safety of all those that use our river, as well as for the protection of the flood banks, property and the wider environment.

“We have a large number of people enjoying the river from experienced mariners to people hiring a dinghy or canoe who may be on the water for the first time. Exceeding the speed limit increases the risk of damage and public safety. We will continue to work closely with the Dorset Marine Policing Team to address issues when they occur on the river.”