Redland's indoor leisure centre to close by July 2022

Weymouth College say they can no longer afford to finance Redlands Community Sports Hub

Author: Maria GreenwoodPublished 19th Nov 2021

The indoor sports Centre at Redlands in Weymouth is set to close by July next year.

That's despite prospective new tenants being found to take over the outdoor facilities.

The sports facility based in Broadwey, Weymouth has been operated by Weymouth College since 2008.

Rob Cole, Vice Principal (Finance) at Weymouth College said, "The College has been proud to serve the local sporting community for over 13 years but this has come at cost, with running and capital investment of over £2m of Further Education funding by the College."

Mr Cole added: "The leisure centre and playing fields have not been part of the College’s core educational purpose and the College can no longer afford to finance the centre."

Weymouth College say the Redlands review has "highlighted the significant and ongoing financial concern of running an ageing and out-dated leisure centre as well as the growing liabilities for building investment for the site."

This review – conducted in partnership with landlords Dorset Council – has led to Weymouth College announcing the pending closure of indoor sport provision at Redlands by July 2022.

Mr Cole continued, "It is with regret that the analysis of the current operating model, financial review and feedback from prospective tenants over the Summer has confirmed the non-viability of indoor leisure provision at Redlands. Weymouth College will continue to cater for all bookings up to July 2022. The College and Dorset Council have conducted a leisure capacity review to identify local leisure facilities for the re-provision of current indoor sports from Redlands. Clubs and users have been informed of this news by the Centre and will work together to seek continuation of indoor sport in the locality."

Hope for outdoor facilities at Redlands

Active Dorset, a local charity with a focus on helping people to become more active, have been confirmed as prospective new tenants for Redlands, with a business plan to invest in outdoor space and develop and expand outdoor facilities from next year.

Plans will see Weymouth College and Active Dorset working together to ensure all outdoor clubs and users are able to continue their bookings with no interruptions of hire.

Active Dorset say they are delighted to have the opportunity to work with Weymouth College, Dorset Council, the current users and the wider community at Redlands.

"We hope to deliver an improved outdoor facility offer which as well as securing the traditional sport use at Redlands will open the space up to a much wider cross section of the community for both informal and coordinated activity."

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