New road signs will warn drivers to watch out for hedgehogs in Dorset

Campaigners say there's been an “alarming” number of animal fatalities in some areas

Author: Trevor Bevins, Local Democracy Reporter Published 12th Dec 2024

NEW Road signs warning of the danger to hedgehogs and other creatures will pop up alongside Dorset roads in the New Year.

The move comes after an experiment with new signs in the Lyme Regis area.

Councillor Byron Quayle (Blandford, Con) says he had been approached by campaigners after what was described as an “alarming” amount of animal fatalities in some areas.

Cllr Quayle questioned why action had not been taken already given Dorset Council’s decision to declare a Nature Emergency earlier in the year, and with an offer from local animal welfare organisations to cover the installation costs.

Cabinet member for highways Cllr Jon Andrews said that new signs would be going up in suitable locations across the county from January onwards following a test run.

He said that a year ago the council had received permission from the Secretary of State for Transport to use ‘small wild animals’ signs under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

Said Cllr Andrews: “This authorisation permits the Council to erect these signs with the primary objective of improving road safety and contributing to wildlife preservation by alerting drivers to the presence of small wild animals, such as hedgehogs, in certain areas.

“As the Council has a prescriptive power to use these signs, a distinct policy is not required, however, we do need to adopt a strategic approach to implementation involving Town and Parish Council’s and local animal welfare organisations. We must ensure that there is adequate balance and control to enable the correct sites to be identified and prioritised,.. When considering any sign, we need to conserve the outstanding quality of Dorset’s landscape and settlements, while delivering a safe and convenient highway network.

“A trial of the new hedgehog signage has been undertaken, with signs erected in Lyme Regis. Following on from the trial, the criteria for wider implementation of small animal signage is being prepared, ready for more signs to go up in the New Year,” he told the Dorchester meeting.

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