Litterers slammed over Harbourside bank holiday aftermath

Weymouth Harbourside was left looking like a tip over the long weekend.

Author: George SharpePublished 4th May 2021
Last updated 4th May 2021

Locals are hitting out at litterers who left Weymouth's Harbourside looking like a landfill site this weekend.

Images circulating social media show plastic bags, takeaways and boxes of beer left by the railings.

Sarah Bodnick is a local resident. She said:

"It's disgraceful pure and simple. Businesses have worked hard to give people a nice safe place to go but everyone would rather treat the beautiful harbour like a bin, and everywhere round here like one big toilet.

"I know we're all frustrated after lockdown but this is just getting disrespectful.

"There's a lot of comments from people saying there should be a bigger police presence down there and the COVID marshalls and things like that but they're stretched enough already. I think it needs to be a case of people just remembering how to behave."

A spokesperson for Weymouth Town Council said:

"Weymouth Town Council condemn littering in all areas of the town and is appalled by the amount of litter left behind at the weekend. Littering is illegal, anti-social and has a negative impact on our environment.

"We would like to thank all our residents who respect our public spaces by using the bins provided or by taking their rubbish home. We ask those who leave their rubbish to consider other people, our environment and local wildlife. Take your rubbish home, or use the bins provided."