Last chance to have your say on Dorset climate plans

The deadline is tonight.

Author: George SharpePublished 19th Jan 2021

We’re being urged to give our views on Dorset Council’s Climate and Ecological strategy.

Councillors are calling on our views on it’s plans to ensure services and it’s estate becomes carbon neutral by 2040.

The council has identified eight key action points to focus on and tackle the climate and ecological emergency, including:

  • Buildings
  • Food and Drink
  • Economy
  • Waste
  • Water
  • Natural assets
  • Transport

The Friends of the Rodwell Trail Group says it’s an urgent issue that we need to give our voices on.

Paula Klaentschi is the Chair Person of the group. She said:

“I’m actually quite worried and I think, 'how to talk to the grandchildren about the imminency?'

“It’s not that it’s going to happen to them when they’re grown ups – if we don’t change our way of behaving in the next five, seven, ten years it’s just going to be a disaster.

“It’s not called an emergency for nothing.”

She says we have to develop plans now. She wants more people to be aware of the consultation before it closes at midnight tonight.

Paula says she also wants to make sure the trail is protected.

“It’s a habitat and it’s much-enjoyed by wildlife as well as people. The fact that ecology is veery much a part of the bigger issue, we’re hoping as the Friends, that we’ll get more assistance in getting it recognised for the value it has.”

If you want to have your say, you can do so here.