Durdle Door rangers show how many bin bags they used last year

Rangers have marked just how many waste bags were used per day last summer.

Author: George SharpePublished 2nd Apr 2021
Last updated 6th Apr 2021

A new video reveals the shocking volume of litter collected from Durdle Door each day last year.

Rangers are urging us to #KeepTheCoastClean as lockdown restrictions ease, the sun comes out and children break up for Easter.

The estate are calling on the government to establish a countryside behavioural code to encourage more people to act responsibly.

They're asking us all to follow three simple behaviours when we're outand about:

  • Firstly, to take home with you what you bring, including picnic rubbish, clothing, nappies, bags, umbrellas, rugs and more. If it is yours, we thank you for looking after it.
  • Secondly, not to light fires. Cold or hot takeaway picnics are welcome, but use flasks or insulated containers, not BBQ’s and open fires that can ignite large swathes of the Countryside.
  • Thirdly, be prepared. Wear good sturdy shoes to the countryside and beach. No-one wants their day trip to end with a long ambulance wait for a broken ankle. The NHS are already under immense pressure.

Last year litter wasn't restricted to just crisp packets and plastic containers - volunteers had to lug a mattress up to the top, and regularly had to deal with human excrement.

Maddy Pfaff is the Head Ranger. She said:

"We'd really like people to take their litter home, responsibly dispose of it either in the bin or take it away in their car.

"What comes down to this beach has to go all the way back up the steps."

They've launched a petition to get more government action. You can see it here: https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/574972