Driver attacked during road rage incident near Blandford

He was hit in the face while he waited at traffic lights.

Author: Maria Greenwood Published 5th Oct 2020

A driver's been hit in the face during an alleged a road rage incident near Blandford.

The incident is reported to have happened at around 4.50pm on Monday 28 September and involved a white Ford Fiesta and a blue Tesla on the A350 at Stourpaine.

At the traffic lights near to the junction with Higher Shaftesbury Road, it was reported that the driver of the Ford got out of his car and approached the male driver of the Tesla and an altercation occurred.

The Tesla driver was punched to the face, causing a red mark on his cheek.

Police Constable Rebecca Barnes, of Dorset Police, said:

"I am appealing to anyone who was travelling along the A350 around the time of the incident and witnessed the manner of driving of either vehicle to please get in touch.

"I am also keen to speak to anyone who witnessed the altercation and has not yet spoken to police.

"Finally, I would ask any motorists who were travelling in the area and have dashcam fitted to their vehicle to please check it for any relevant footage."

'How to contact Dorset Police'

Anyone with information is asked to contact Dorset Police at, via email or by calling 101, quoting occurrence number 55200146168. A