Dorset dog owner pleads guilty to livestock worrying resulting in death of 12 sheep

WARNING: This story contains an image you may find upsetting

Author: Maria GreenwoodPublished 21st May 2021

WARNING: This story contains an image which you may find upsetting

A Dorset woman's been ordered to pay compensation of £2,773 after pleading guilty to allowing her dog to worry livestock in North Dorset.

Dorset Police carried out an investigation into several livestock worrying incidents in the Bedchester area.

They included two separate incidents which resulted in the deaths of 12 sheep.

A Dorset woman has now pleaded guilty to two counts of being the owner of a dog that worried livestock at a hearing at Poole Magistrates Court.

A spokesperson for North Dorset Police said:

"The incidents had a significant impact on the local community, with persons actively looking to take matters into their own hands and shoot the dog involved.

"Officers worked with the family and an animal rescue centre and facilitated the dog being rehomed with an appropriate responsible owner in another part of the country, away from any livestock."