6,000 young people elect new Member of Youth Parliament for Dorset

Stanley from The Sir John Colfox Academy is the new voice of Dorset's youth

Author: Maria GreenwoodPublished 18th Mar 2022

A huge congratulations to Stanley who is Dorset Council’s newly elected Member of Youth Parliament.

The election results were announced at a ceremony at County Hall in Dorchester.

Stanley from The Sir Johns Colfox Academy has been elected as a Member of Youth Parliament and Sapphire and Kerim have been elected as deputies. All three young people will play their part in the coming year to represent Dorset’s youth voice.

Members of Youth Parliament represent Dorset on a regional and national basis, helping to engage young people in politics, democracy and citizenship. In partnership with Dorset Youth Council, they deliver a #YouthVoice manifesto to improve the lives of young people.

A total of three candidates stood for election and 5,762 students voted (17.56 per cent turn out) after weeks of campaigning.

Stanley, Dorset Council's newly elected Member of Youth Parliament said, "Thank you so much to everyone who voted for me. My team and I will do our absolute best to represent the youth of Dorset."

The candidates campaigned on a huge range of issues including improving mental health support for young people, tackling climate change, improving transport services, and boosting equal opportunities for young people in rural areas and freedom of expression.

Cllr Andrew Parry, Dorset Council Portfolio Holder for Children, Education, Skills and Early Help, said:

“Congratulations to the new Dorset Council Youth Parliament Member and Deputies, who are taking their first steps on the political ladder. I am confident they will be a strong and proactive voice for young people in Dorset, at a local and national level.

“And thank you to the outgoing Members of Youth Parliament, Ellie and Ted, and their deputies Olly and Phoebe, for all of their hard work in representing Dorset’s young people over the last two years.”

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