Dorset MP removes climate change protest wreath from Cenotaph

It had the words "Climate change means wear."

Author: Maria GreenwoodPublished 12th Nov 2020

A wreath left by environmental campaigners at the Cenotaph at Whitehall in London on Armistice Day has been removed by a Dorset MP.

The protest wreath was laid by Extinction Rebellion and had the words, "Climate change means wear."

West Dorset MP Chris Loder removed it last night.

The MP, who laid a wreath at the Cenotaph on behalf of his constituents who were restricted from attending Whitehall over the last few days, said:

"There are many ways to protest and it is one of the freedoms we enjoy in this country. But Armistice Day, the anniversary of peace, when we remember those who died for our freedom, is not the day to do it."

"I could not stand by and watch our Remembrance Day for those who died in war, and to whom we owe so much, be hijacked for a political stunt by this far-left outfit. This was totally wrong, and I believed the wreath should be removed."

This year is the centenary of the Cenotaph, built from Portland stone, which stands as the lasting memorial to those who sacrificed their lives in war.

Mr Loder added:

"This week, thousands of veterans and members of the armed forces have stayed away from the Cenotaph in our national effort to control coronavirus.

"For political protestors to take advantage of this situation is disrespectful to our servicemen and women, past and present. I want them to know that I am on their side and will support them all the way".