Dorset County Hospital bosses urge caution this weekend

It's the first full weekend we're allowed down the pub with family.

Our hospital has been given cash towards research and equipment
Author: George SharpePublished 16th Apr 2021

If you've got plans to head to the pub or out for a nice meal with friends or family, don't let you guard down.

This weekend is the first in 3½ months where family and friends are allowed to meet again at a pub or restaurant.

Medics at Dorset County Hospital are urging us to stick to the rules of hands, face and space.

Alastair Hutchison is the chief medical officer there. He said:

"I think it's really important that people still remember the rules; making sure we keep a good distance from each other, making sure we are washing hands regularly and for 20 seconds, and wearing masks.

"Those three things remain really important, especially over this weekend. Everyone's going to feel slightly euphoric at the thought we can at last meet up with people, but we need to be sensible.

"Otherwise what will happen is that the next wave will simply come round much sooner and we could find ourselves going backwards very quickly."

He added:

"If you're offered a vaccine, please take it because that is going to be effective eventually.

"At the moment we've only got about half the population vaccinated and that's just not enough to stop spread of the virus."