Dorset climate campaigners urge MPs to back new bill

The group dropped a banner outside the Jubilllee Clock

Author: George SharpePublished 28th Mar 2021

As part of a nationwide action volunteers from the Dorset Climate and Ecological Emergency (CEE) Bill alliance hosted covid-compliant banner drops today calling on Dorset MPs Richard Drax, Simon Hoare, Chris Loder, Christopher Chope and Michael Tomlinson to back the CEE Bill.

A banner was dropped by the Jubillee Clocktower on Weymouth Esplanade reading ‘Be The Change- ask your MP to support the CEE Bill’ and at Maumbury rings in Dorchester a banner read ‘Back the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill now’.

One of the group's members, Irene Anne from Preston, Weymouth, said:

“I am frightened that I won’t be able to insure my home in Weymouth as sea levels rise-

"I’ve worked all my life for my home and unless the climate crisis is tackled my house and many others will be worthless’”.

Yesterday marked the date the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill was due its second reading in the House of Commons.

Caroline Lucas MP presented the Bill in Parliament on 2 September 2020. The CEE Bill was scheduled for debate in the House of Commons on Friday 26 March, but the pandemic impacted the parliamentary process postponing the second reading.

The Bill is currently waiting for a new date to be set, and the expected date for its re-introduction to Parliament is May this year, so now is a very good time for MPs, Councils and the public to back the Bill.

The CEE Bill is supported by over 100 MPs from eight political parties - including Labour, SNP, Plaid Cymru, Liberal Democrats and Greens. The Bill calls on the Government to take account of the UK's entire carbon footprint, to protect nature in the UK and to prevent ecological damage along supply chains.

It also establishes a citizens’ assembly to ensure that these changes are achieved in a fair and just way.

If the Bill is passed, it will unlock resources that will help local governments like Dorset Council implement their C&EE Action Plans, national government policy change is essential to achieve this.

Penny Quilter from Weymouth said:

“We are inviting Richard Drax to have a discussion with his constituents about the CEE Bill – we all feel incredibly passionate about this issue and welcome a forum to discuss our concerns.”

A Petition by Dorset CEE Bill Alliance asking all 5 Dorset MPs to back the CEE bill has gained over 320 signatures. You can view their petition: