Watch care workers perform 'Twelve Days of Christmas'

Staff sing and act out an unusual and fun take on the festive song

Author: Mike DraperPublished 27th Dec 2020

Staff at Colten Care, which have homes in Dorset, have recorded a fun take on the 'Twelve Days of Christmas'.

As their in-house choir sing down each of the 12 days, they highlight all the various departments that make a good care home operate.

Light hearted and festive - Colten Care staff sing 12 days of Christmas

It has '12 carers clapping' all the way through to:

'7 twirling waiters'

'4 baking chefs'

'3 handymen'

'2 beauty treats'

...and finally a 'bright sparkly Christmas tree'

It shows another side to care home staff in an incredibly tough year when the public focus has been relentlessly on the management of Covid.

Colten Care is a family-owned provider with 21 care homes in Dorset, Wiltshire, Hampshire, and West Sussex, four of which are dedicated dementia care homes.

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