Dinosaurs on the loose in Weymouth!

A new trail of them have popped up around the town

Author: Faye TryhornPublished 23rd Feb 2022

If you're out around Weymouth over the next few months and spot a prehistoric visitor, don't worry, they're very friendly!

Five dinosaurs have made their way to the town and are set to spend the Spring here.

We can find them at Bowleaze Cove, Lodmoor Country Park, Nothe Gardens, New Bond Street and at the King's Statue.

There are QR codes by each of the dinosaurs for us to scan and learn more about them.

We're also asked to share our pictures on social media.

It's all part of a trail put together by We Are Weymouth BID, funded by the European Union.

The dinosaurs will be in Weymouth until June 7th.

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