Could you help Dorset Police make the county safer?

Dorset's Police and Crime Commissioner is launching his Summer Safety Survey

Author: George SharpePublished 24th Jul 2022

Dorset's Police and Crime Commissioner is launching a summer safety survey.

David Sidwick wants to know how safe we feel in our towns and villages and how to improve our relationship with Dorset Police.

Following his election in May 2021, the Police and Crime Commissioner for Dorset, David Sidwick immediately set about creating his Police and Crime Plan, which was driven by the clear and consistent feedback he had received from people representing the many diverse communities of Dorset.

The PCC gained a clear picture of what mattered to local communities, which enabled him to bring his vision into focus, and work with his team, to develop the Plan - clearly stating his priorities to make Dorset the safest county.

And now, having been Police and Crime Commissioner for just over a year, he is keen to learn more about the people of Dorset’s perception of policing in their community.

The Commissioner said:

“I want to know how ‘safe’ you feel in your community, I want to know how ‘visible and connected’ you feel to Dorset Police and whether you think Dorset Police are using their resources to the best effect where you live and so I would be delighted and very grateful if the people of Dorset would participate in this survey and tell me what they think.”

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