Claims families 'bullied' to sign up for Dorset special school

An investigation could be launched into the claims.

Author: Trevor Bevins, Local Democracy ReporterPublished 16th Jul 2022

Claims that families were ‘badgered, cajoled and even bullied’ to sign up for the Coombe House School could be investigated.

The allegations were made by Dorset councillor Nick Ireland, the Lib Dem Dorset Council group leader.

He said he had many questions about the opening and early days of the special education school but was only allowed to ask two at the Thursday evening full council meeting.

“I find it extremely concerning that allegations have been made…that parents of children under our care have been cajoled, badgered and even bullied into accepting placement at Coombe House when in their opinion the site wasn’t, still isn’t, and in some cases never will be suitable for their child’s needs.”

Education portfolio holder Andrew Parry told him that if there was evidence for the claims they would be taken seriously and referred for investigation at the highest level.

Cllr Parry said in his statement: “The first week of school was bumpy with children and staff coming together, and despite assurances from the Chief Operating Officer and the Headteacher, not sufficiently well planned to ensure that children could be safely and effectively managed.”

Cllr Parry said that the summer would be used to get the independent special school in better shape and it was currently looking for a new headteacher, chief operating officer and a number of staff.

Several parents have claimed that the school was not ready when it opened and staff not fully prepared, and in some cases, was the wrong place for their child.

Cllr Parry, in a lengthy prepared statement, admitted that some pupils would not be returning in September, when there would now be fewer pupils than originally planned. He said that in a number of cases officers were now trying to find alternative places for pupils originally allocated a space at the school which the council bought for £10m after it closed as a private school (then called St Mary’s) during Covid.

He said that in the opening weeks one child had left the school site and walked home, which he said was nearby, and that others had moved security fences, or climbed over them. He said that one window had been broken by a pupil throwing a stone. Cllr Parry said that by September all the windows would have strengthened glass or be protected in other ways.

Cllr Parry told the full council meeting that 15 children with special education needs and/or disabilities were at the school when it opened on 16 May, ten days after receiving a positive notice of registration from Ofsted.

“It was the independent board’s understanding that the individual needs of (each) child had been jointly assessed by Coombe House Leadership and Dorset Council SEND Service and that they had been allocated to a class with an appropriate number of suitable qualified and experienced staff.

“It was also the independent board’s understanding that a significant amount of planning and training had been undertaken since January 2022 with most of the staff. The numbers of children attending the school increased each day, reaching a capacity of 47 by the Wednesday of that first week. The board was assured by the Chief Operating Officer and the head teacher that the staggered start could be managed as all of the children had been involved in transition visits prior to opening,” said Cllr Parry…

“The first week of school was bumpy with children and staff coming together, and despite assurances from the Chief Operating Officer and the Headteacher, not sufficiently well planned to ensure that children could be safely and effectively managed. Following a letter of concern to the Council the Executive Director and the Chair of the Board reviewed the situation and determined to close the school for one week from 23rd May. This joint decision was the first stage in bringing forward the ‘Enhanced Co-operation’ element of the commissioning framework. The Chair of the Independent Board considered, along with the Executive Director, the matter of how the leadership of the school had managed events both in the lead up to opening and during that first week and as a result the Headteacher is presently not in school; and as has been communicated previously, COO Mark Blackman resigned from his post.”

Since then Sean Kretz, head of Weymouth’s Westfield Arts College and other senior staff have provided day-to-day support and also helping the school board to develop a suitable recovery plan.

Said Cllr Parry: “We plan the school opening in September with 36 children on roll – slightly lower than planned initially but this allows a secure and steady growth as we progress with plans and the school’s senior leadership team recruitment.

“Children and young people are at the heart of our decision making and we must make sure the school can offer the first-class education that we know we can provide them by supporting the Board, the staff and our families. There is not an overnight solution to this, it will take a bit more time than we had envisaged but we are confident that it is going in the right direction.”

A special meeting is being held in the coming week to examine steps being taken to improve the situation with most of the meeting being held as exempt business without press and public present – the council promising to issue a statement afterwards.

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