Confusion over reporting anti-social behaviour

A new survey shows Dorset residents don't know who to go to.

Author: George Sharpe Published 23rd Sep 2020

Who should you call about anti-social behaviour? Dorset residents can't decide.

A new survey that ran over the summer's found that many of us aren't sure who to call about different types of anti-social behaviour.

It's led to calls for clearer communication from Martyn Underhill, Dorset's Police and Crime Commissioner.

4,000 people responded to the survey over the summer, with around half providing comments - many referring to long standing frustrations concerning issues such as car parking, dog fouling, noise complaints and littering.

Library picture of Rodwell Trail in Weymouth

The results show some confusion in certain cases, with 50% of respondents saying they would contact the police if they had concerns about rowdy and noisy neighbours including loud music and late parties, while 45% said they would contact their local authority – the agency who are in fact responsible for this issue.

Meanwhile, 45% said they would contact the council if they had concerns about begging, while 39% said they would contact the police – the correct agency in this case.

Dorset Police and Crime Commissioner Martyn Underhill said:

“While many anti social behaviour problems are the responsibility of the police, we know from national statistics that environmental issues such as noise and litter are a particular concern for Dorset residents.

“These of course are important issues which can have a terrible impact on people’s lives, but this survey shows residents are understandably confused by the mass of agencies dealing with anti social behaviour. There’s a huge challenge now for a wide range of organisations to work together and make sure we provide clear communication about who’s responsible for what.”

The survey's are now being analysed and information will be passed on to Dorset Police and other organisations with responsibility for tackling anti-social behaviour.

The OPCC is planning further activity to help communities tackle anti social behaviour, and understand the appropriate agencies to make contact with, with an announcement about this due to be made shortly.

Dorset Police and Crime Commissioner Martyn Underhill said: “I’d like to thank the Dorset residents who took the time to share their views, and I want to reassure them that anti social behaviour is a major priority both for me and the Force, as I know it is for other agencies involved in this issue.

“The information they provided is being shared with the police and other organisations and will be used to plan future strategies to tackle the problem. However, in the much shorter term my own office will be carrying out some work aimed at helping people faced with these problems now, and I hope to be able to provide more details soon.”

Information about who to contact for a wide range of issues can be found on Dorset Police’s Ask NED, or non-emergency directory page.