Two nesting barn owls near Weymouth streaming live now

You can see their antics and fingers crossed soon some eggs hatching

Adult female barn owl at Lorton Meadows
Author: Helen DownPublished 27th Mar 2021

Two nesting barn owls raising their chicks on a nature reserve near Weymouth can now be seen live on a webcam.

You will be able to see the pair and hopefully soon some of their eggs, from the comfort of your home.

Dorset Wildlife Trust is also offering nature lovers the chance to adopt a barn owl.

Barn owl in flight

“It’s always a special moment when you see a barn owl; it feels like you are really sharing a moment with nature. We are so lucky to be able to view this pair in their nest and will hopefully get to watch their young develop and leave the nest.

“This year and last, many people have turned to nature for some solace and respite from the stressful circumstances we are living in, and Dorset Wildlife Trust are grateful to be able to share these barn owls with the viewers.

“Breeding success for barns owls is dependent on having good plentiful supplies of food to rear their young and grassland fields like the ones at Lorton Meadows are perfect for this, as are some of the rougher grassland sites along the coast and on farmland where farmers specifically manage grass margins in their fields to increase numbers of small mammals.”

Emily Newton, Dorset Wildlife Trust’s Landowner Liaison Officer
