7-year-old Charlie starts his own online sweet shop

And its Vegan friendly.

Author: George Sharpe Published 29th Sep 2020

One of Dorset's newest vegan sweet shops has been launched by one of the county's youngest CEOs.

Charlie Richardson from Shaftesbury is just 7-years-old and runs VG Sweetie Store**** online.

He sells everything in 100% biodegradable packaging and 10p from every sale goes towards the Sea Life Trust.

Orders have made their way as far north as Newcastle and he's already secured himself a five-star rating on Etsy.

Charlie explains where he got the idea from:

"I had the idea when mummy was dragging us from a road trip because we had to go collect furniture."

He'd been thinking about how he could save up enough money to buy himself a pet terrapin.

"I was about to suggest selling my Pokemon cards.

"I was just thinking that sweets are nice and are good to sell, and I'll get a little bit of money for them."

Charlie, who is only partly vegan, says he wanted to make it so he could buy his mum Emma and step-dad Zac the same sweets.

Emma Norris, his mum said:

"It was something that we started that I thought it'll give him something to do. I was at the tail end of the home-schooling, I was really scraping the barrel for new fun ideas.

"So when he said he wanted to start selling sweets I thought brilliant, we can turn it into a learning experience, he can have a bit of fun with it. It'll probably last the summer holidays then he'll go back to school.'

"And it's carried on, and I'm finding it really fun so it's something really nice that we're doing together."

Charlie says his favourite sweets are the ones that turn his tongue blue.

He's soon to announce his first home-produced chocolate bar.