Wildlife park names new arctic fox

She'll be called Aurora after suggestions from the public

Author: Simon McleanPublished 9th Feb 2023

A wildlife park in Devon has named its new arctic fox.

Aurora, who lives at Wildwood Devon in Ottery St Mary, was named after a public competition that attracted more than six hundred votes.

It's after the Aurora Borealis, which is visible in some countries where arctic foxes live.

George Hyde, Wildwood Devon Site Manager, says: “we’re delighted Aurora now has her name. The chosen name won by a landslide and it suits her.

“We were blown away by the number of entries online and in the kiosk. Enabling the people to help pick a name feels like a great way to give something back to all our wonderful supporters. Aurora has settled in well to her enclosure and we encourage everyone to come and visit her.”

Aurora is ten months old and arrived at Wildwood Devon, near Ottery St Mary, in December.

She joins the same enclosure as fellow arctic fox Miska.

Arctic foxes are native to Britain and lived here until the last ice age, when they moved to snowier places - they can now be found in Northern Europe, Asia, North America, Greenland and Iceland.