'We won't tolerate rule breaking' warn Exeter Uni bosses after reports of parties

Exeter University says action will be taken against students breaking coronavirus rules - following footage emerging of house parties and police called to gatherings.

The University has been taking a tough line to reduce infection levels amongst students
Author: Andrew KayPublished 21st Oct 2020

Officers issused seven penalty notices over the weekend.

More than 300 students have tested positive for Covid-19 and the outbreak among the student popultation had put areas of Exeter in the county's top 'hotspot watch' areas - although cases have since fallen.

A spokesperson for the University of Exeter said: “Students are required to abide by our ‘Safe Community Charter’ and the vast majority of students have behaved impeccably but where students break the rules we will take action.

"This action will start with cautions and fines, and for repeat or serious breaches sanctions such as suspension and expulsion. We have already suspended students for breaches of the Covid-19 rules.

"The University is continuing to work with both the police and local authorities to share information and coordinate responses to any reports of COVID-19 rule breaches.

"Importantly, the Director of Public Health for Devon reports that we have seen a successful reduction in student cases with no sign of significant spread thanks to the swift actions of the University and other partners in working together to contain the situation.”