'We are taking immediate steps to heighten confidence in the safety of our public spaces'

Torbay Council wants to extend CCTV coverage and improve street lighting to improve public safety in Torquay town centre following the disappearance and death of Sarah Everard in London.

The council has now submitted a bid to the Government’s Safer Streets Fund to increase the town centre CCTV coverage to areas of concern not already covered, and to upgrade street lighting.

It comes as tonight Bauer Media is hosting an online discussion on women’s safety and what can be done to implement change. 'We Need To Talk About Women’s Safety' streams 8pm here.

A report to the council’s Cabinet said the measures had been designed to promote “public safety” following the death of Sarah Everard, whose body was found in Kent after she disappeared while walking home from a friend’s house.

A report to the council’s Cabinet said the town centre including edges of Ellacombe and the Warren Road and Melville area qualified for the second round of funding announced by the Home Office. It is designed for measures in areas identified as having higher rates of crimes such as robbery, burglary and theft from person.

Other crime reduction measures proposed in Torbay’s bid include a Community Watch scheme to work with local partnerships and residents’ associations, a new Hotel Watch and Feel Safe schemes.

The report said the bid had been developed with the police, Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, and the Making Melville Marvellous group, with other business and community representatives.

The Government recently announced an extra £25million for the Safer Streets Fund with future bids expected to have a focus on personal safety.

The report said the death of Sarah Everard “has appalled the nation and has served to highlight many issues that affect women and girls every day.”

It added: “As per the Safer Streets fund request regarding CCTV and street lighting and our wider council efforts in reviewing street lighting we are taking some immediate steps to heighten confidence in the safety of our public spaces.”

Issues arising from the concerns about violence against women and girls are to be considered by an executive group on domestic abuse and sexual violence and the local community safety partnership, which will be developing approaches to serious violence in Torbay following a study carried out for the region’s police and crime commissioner.