Torbay's Dementia services will today be investigated
A review of the support available in the area takes place this afternoon
A review of Torbay's Dementia services takes place later to see what improvements are needed.
Councillors have called NHS and other groups together to see what needs to be done.
Torquay's McNamara, who founded the international Purple Angel Dementia Campaign to raise awareness, says he'd have liked more people to have been invited to speak at the meeting, rather than just submit questions ahead of time and watch.
Torbay Council’s Adult Social Care and Health Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Board will meet at Barking Hall in the Town Hall at 2pm.
Councillor Patrick Joyce, Chair of the Board, said: "The Sub-Board’s focus will be to put the needs of Torbay’s community at the heart of the review and explore the support and services currently available for those residents of Torbay who live with dementia, and their carers.
"It is vital to better understand the current challenges faced alongside what is working well, so that we can, together with partners, explore how support and services may be improved, with particular emphasis on future needs given the ever-increasing demand for appropriate care."
Questions today will include: "Given that Torbay has a significantly higher older population than the Southwest and England as a whole with higher levels of people living with dementia, what Public Health and Planning prevention programmes are underway to enable older people to live well for longer?"