'This Christmas will be painful for people that have houses let alone the homeless'

Torbay’s biggest out-of-hours foodbank says it’ll remain open tomorrow to help those on the streets but won’t be marking Christmas Day.

Kath Fredrich, who founded PATH or People Assisting Torbay’s Homeless, working at the food bank.
Author: Andrew KayPublished 24th Dec 2020
Last updated 24th Dec 2020

Kath Fredrich, who founded PATH or People Assisting Torbay’s Homeless, says for those on the streets Christmas is a difficult time and isn’t something to celebrate.

She said: “It’s vital (remaining open) because helping someone in crisis whether they’re homeless, whether they have mental health issues, whether they’re vulnerably housed and miserable, waiting to be rehomed to somewhere more suitable – it’s really important that they have continuity and consistency.

“They know that there is some kind of routine in their day - and as all of us know this year, where’s the routine gone it’s disappeared hasn’t it and we'll have a front of face as well, rather than somebody on the other end of the telephone.

“Yes we have to wear masks, yes we have to be Covid compliant to protect ourselves, to protect our community, to protect our families at home - but it’s absolutely vital that somebody is actually there for them on Christmas day.

“Christmas is always a really, really difficult and sad time of year. We keep Christmas as low key as possible in PATH.

“The year before last we actually asked them all to vote - when we could have people in our building on Christmas day – Do you want Christmas day? They unanimously said so.

“That’s because it can be a very painful time of year as we know. This year is going to be very painful for people that have got houses let along people that still haven’t.

“It’s a time of year which is a benchmark of memories of things that happened in the past. Good things, bad things.

“As they walk past people in their homes they’re seeing decorations, they’re seeing a snapshot of happiness.

“Somebody who is homeless feels incredibly alone, more alone at this time of year than at any other time.”

For more about PATH which is operating everyday between Christmas and New Year's Day click here

For official homelessness advice from Torbay Council click here