Plans submitted for 40 new homes in Chudleigh Knighton

Half of the homes would be affordable, with the other half being sold on the open market

Author: Local Democracy Reporting ServicePublished 10th Feb 2021

Plans for 40 homes on a period of agricultural land to the north of the village of Chudleigh Knighton have been proposed.

Inox Homes Ltd have submitted plans for the 3.3 hectare site situated to the north of Apple Tree Close, and would help meet the need for affordable housing in the village.

Half of the homes would be affordable, with the other half being sold on the open market to support the delivery of the affordable homes.

The development site is situated in adjacent to the school and playing fields and adjoining existing residential development to the south.

Documents with the application state that the proposals have been developed in consultation with the Parish Council and Teignbridge District Council’s housing team, who have confirmed that there is a need for 20 affordable homes, and that they would be supportive of the delivery on this site. Up to 20 open market units are also proposed, to support the delivery of the affordable units, it adds.

The planning document continues: “High quality green spaces are also proposed to be incorporated, providing space for recreation and play and helping to support biodiversity. A Local Area of Play is shown towards the southeastern corner of the site, with the street network designed to allow easy access to the area from throughout the development. The informal play area also provides a green and attractive ‘gateway’ into the site.

“A Housing Need Survey was undertaken by the Parish Council in 2017, which confirmed that there is a need for 20 affordable homes in the village. The purpose of the development is primarily to deliver much needed affordable housing.

“As identified in both the Housing Need Survey and the comments provided as part of the Council’s pre-application advice, there is an evident need for affordable homes in the Parish and this site presents the opportunity to deliver this.

“The application seeks permission for a rural exceptions scheme, which is considered to be an acceptable form of development in this location in accordance with Policy WE5 of the Teignbridge Local Plan.”

The scheme will include an area of locally distinctive orchard trees will be integral to the public open space, to give residents the facilities they need on their door step to enjoy the outdoors, there is a proposed ‘village green’ centered around the existing mature tree, while a looped footway / cycleway will be provided around the site, to allow residents the flexibility to form running routes and walk their dog if desired.

The application is submitted in outline, with means of access to be determined only at this stage, with matters of layout, appearance, scale and landscaping are reserved for future consideration.

Teignbridge District Council planners will determine the fate of the application at a later date.