NHS admit 'we need to do better to become a more diverse workforce'

Torbay's NHS bosses have revealed of the 6,000 people in the organisation - including those currently in training - only six per cent are from a BAME background.

Councillor Jermaine Atiya-Alla is chairing the ongoing Torbay-council led review
Author: Andrew KayPublished 21st Jan 2021
Last updated 22nd Jan 2021

They revealed fewer members of ethnic communities reach senior roles and it is something they are actively looking at - to ensure 'people have access to the range of opportunities to give people career progression'.

Sanita Simadree, chair of the trust's BAME network, says support is offered to new recruits by her network - which the trust pledged to help grow.

Bosses also revealed that as a result of the pandemic they have seen an increase in the numbers of youngsters showing an interest in health and social care careers locally.

The NHS representatives have been appearing before the ongoing Torbay Racism review, which was set up after last year's Black Lives Matter protests.

Councillor Jermaine Atiya-Alla, Torbay’s first elected black councillor who is leading the review, says all local public bodies have been 'poor over the years engaging with the BAME community'.

NHS bosses said they were 'alert' to issues about discrimination during things like exit interviews and 'make sure we train our staff properly' - while wanting to tackle issues as they arise.

Ms Simadree admitted that nationally there was hesitency among BME communities to report incidents - and they wanted to address that.

Liz Davenport, Chief Executive for Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust, said: "The more that we take the time to talk, to listen, and understand the what the real issues are the better."

The chair of the board also announced diversity issues would become a standing feature on future meeting agendas.

The meeting heard that planned developments in Torbay could attract more potential high calibre candidates to the area.

When asked how the NHS accepts qualifications from foreign candidates it says support is offered - and people have been brought in during the pandemic after studying overseas.

For more about the meeting and to find a link to watch it in full click here