Domestic abuse is Devon's largest single category of crime

Member champions to tackle the issue are being appointed by the County Council

Author: Local Democracy Reporting ServicePublished 16th Jun 2021

Member champions to help understand and tackle the impacts that domestic abuse and sexual violence in Devon are set to be appointed.

Devon County Council’s cabinet last Wednesday morning heard that domestic abuse is the largest single category of crime in Devon, accounting for over 20 per cent of all offences and 40 per cent of violent offences.

But while domestic abuse and sexual violence continues to impact thousands of adults and children in Devon each year, often the crimes are hidden, the meeting heard.

Cllr Roger Croad, cabinet member for public health, communities and equality, in answering questions from Cllr Rob Hannaford, leader of the Labour group, said that he was seeking nominations for a member champion on each of the three scrutiny committees in order to support him to better understand the council’s responses from across its services.

Cllr Croad added: “Domestic abuse and sexual violence continues to impact thousands of adults and children in Devon each year. Domestic abuse is the largest single category of crime in Devon, accounting for over 20 per cent of all offences and 40 per cent of violent offences. It is present in all communities, often hidden.

“As such it is important that every member plays an active role as champions within their community to understand these issues and the impacts on people and their families. As portfolio holder I will continue to play an active role in leading members’ representation, for example as part of the emerging Domestic Abuse Board for Devon.

“Further I would wish to seek nominations for a member champion on each of the three scrutiny committees in order to support me to better understand the council’s responses from across its services. I consider this shared leadership will provide the best route to understand the impacts of domestic abuse and sexual violence in Devon alongside the work the council and its partners will lead and develop in response.”

Cllr Hannaford added that he was looking forward to the piece of work being done and that he was sure people would volunteer from the committees.

Councillors had previously been told that the specialist domestic abuse support service for Devon commissioned by Devon County Council and led by Splitz Support Service saw a 60 per cent increase in calls in April 2020 compared to April 2019.

While that the demand has since eased, it was still around 50 per cent higher than the previous year, and there has also been a substantial increase in the number of professionals seeking advice on how to support families experiencing domestic abuse, with calls to the Professionals’ Helpline increasing from 1-2 per week to 60 per week during the first lockdown.