Pilot scheme aims to end 'sad state of affairs' of Devon's children who haven't been to the beach

Many children in the county have never been to the seaside

Author: Local Democracy Reporting ServicePublished 4th May 2021

Despite being home to some of the most beautiful beaches in England, many children in the county have never been to the seaside.

But that could soon be set to change after Devon County Council voted to back exploring plans to see how to help youngsters access the natural environment that the county has to offer.

Cllr Frank Biederman, leader of the Independent group, said that given pensioners can access the beaches with their free bus pass, he believed this should also be available to young people as well, and that the last year has shown how important green spaces are.

He said: “Many children in Devon have never been to the beach or because of financial limitations on families can often find it beyond their means.

“Visiting a beach can have fantastic health benefits for young people and their family, particularly their mental health, as well as connecting them with our beautiful environment, if communities are better connected to our natural environment, they will be more inclined to preserve it for future generations.

“Pensioners can access the beaches with their free bus pass, we believe this should also be available to our young people.

“We want children to be connected to the natural environment but in some cases half the children in a class have never been to the beach or the Moors or do those things we go and enjoy that make us feel better about life. This should be something we need to find innovative ways to make it happen.”

Cllr Yvonne Atkinson added: “We need a strategic approach to this sad state of affairs, and it is such an important issue and the last year has shown just how important green and blue nature is.”

Cllr Biederman’s initial motion had called for the council to commit to work with travel partners to provide vouchers to families on low incomes for free travel to the beach at weekends and/or during school holiday periods.

But the amendment put forward by the cabinet instead asked that Public Health Devon explore with the Devon Local Nature Partnership and other partners to conduct a pilot study examining possible options to increase engagement with green and blue spaces in children, young people, and families on low income.

They will also ask Public Health Devon work with the Devon LNP, Devon Community Partners, and Active Devon to review and if necessary develop resources to promote local opportunities for walks or activities in green/blue space for to a wide variety of users, and to increase communications using a social marketing approach that are targeted and relatable to improve confidence and allay anxieties about accessing the natural environment and facilitate behaviour change.

Councillors at Thursday’s full council meeting voted by 50 votes to 0, with one abstention, in favour of the pilot study to see how to increase access to beaches and the Moors for those who have never been and don’t have the resources to travel to them.