'Daytime gigs for grown ups' are helping to reduce isolation

Lizzy Humber is building a community in Exeter and wants other areas to follow suit

Parents can wear headphones so they can leave the room with their children and still listen to what's happening
Author: Andrew KayPublished 15th Nov 2024
Last updated 19th Nov 2024

A daytime comedy club's been taking place in Exeter this lunchtime - as part of the city's Reclaim Festival which features shows for women by women

Lizzy Humber, a former theatre producer, runs subsidised Arts Council-backed daytime sessions known as 'Grown up gigs' which people with kids can attend and was behind today's comedy event.

She said: "As a parent of young children I missed going to gigs and having conversations with adults that weren’t about whether our babies had slept.

"I started creating spaces for parents to be entertained and meet new friends, somewhere to go with a partner without having to arrange childcare. I incorporated simple things like having baby changing mats and toys and helped people to feel welcome and supported.

"It doesn’t matter if you arrive late or have to leave halfway through at a Daylight Session, and you don’t have to worry about your child moving around or making noise. It can feel incredibly empowering - I want my spaces to be celebratory and uplifting. Parents are people too!”

There's more about her sessions here and you can listen to our interview with Ms Humber here

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