£6 million recovery package approved for Devon

Devon County Council’s ruling Cabinet on Wednesday morning heard that the county’s economy has shrunk by eight per cent, unemployment has risen to above six per cent and claims for universal credit have surged.

Author: Daniel Clark, Local Democracy Reporting ServicePublished 15th Oct 2020

An urgent £6 million economic recovery programme has been approved for Devon to form part of the county council’s response to the sobering effects of the pandemic.

The crisis has had a significant impact in tourism and hospitality, retail, construction and manufacturing with high levels of youth unemployment and rising levels amongst the over 50’s.

But other sectors, such as digital, health and care and clean growth, are showing signs of healthy recovery and new growth since the downturn, the meeting heard.

The cabinet unanimously agreed to set aside £6 million over the next three years as part of their budget-setting process, in addition to other bids for Government support, with the funding to provide help and support in four key areas – small and medium enterprises, employment and skills, the green recovery and the hardest hit towns and communities.

Devon County Council leader, Cllr John Hart said: “Clearly we are still in a battle with coronavirus as the rising number of cases in Exeter has shown, but rates across the rest of Devon remain low and we must all pull together to keep it that way and to keep people healthy and safe.

“But we also have to take urgent steps to address the economic health of our county, our communities and our people and to plan for the future.

“This is right for Devon and as long as we can afford it, we will get on and do it. We have to keep the economy of Devon going as we have little help.”

Devon’s Cabinet member for the economy, Cllr Rufus Gilbert, added: “This financial investment will support the economic recovery of our hardest hit places, enterprises and individuals.

“Together we can grasp opportunities to build back better, to build a more resilient, inclusive and sustainable economy. It is not to be in the interest of Devon to be seen to be doing nothing.”

Cllr Gilbert said the exact measures would depend on how the pandemic developed but would include supporting businesses to become more resilient and improve their digital skills, targeting key sectors such as tourism, retail and health and care, helping hospitality businesses to improve the skills of their workforce, supporting farmers to diversify, improving skills and training, stimulating new business start-ups and supporting individuals with redeployment and employment support.

The council would work with district and town councils to develop proposals for urban renewal in the hardest hit areas.