Whitehaven Harbour To Become Home To The Most SeaBins In Mainland Europe

The project is being led by a youth group.

Author: Joseph GartlyPublished 19th Jul 2023

A youth-led eco project based in Whitehaven is set to see the coastal town’s harbour become mainland Europe’s biggest SeaBin site as a seventh bin is installed within its marina on July 18th.

Whitehaven Harbour Youth Project has already secured the installation of six of the ocean-cleaning SeaBin units which members of the youth group regularly help to promote and build awareness of them and how they operate within the marina.

Created by the Australian-based surfers, the SeaBins are pioneering specialised marina rubbish bins which collect floating rubbish, debris and oil by filtering surface water. They run 24 hours a day and each bin is capable of capturing around 20kg before needing emptied.

The SeaBins are also capable of collecting both micro and macro plastics and can be equipped with a specialist absorbent pad to absorb petroleum-based surface oils and detergents.

Stephen Walter, at Whitehaven Harbour Youth Project, said: "The installation of these powerful units was driven by the youngsters in Whitehaven, who were wanting to do more for the environment in their hometown.

"The harbour and marina are a huge part of life in Whitehaven, so it was a natural choice to start a project there. With such a huge focus on plastics and the health of our ocean, the SeaBin project is also a great opportunity for local schools to learn more about pollution and the things that can be done to help.

"It gives children a first-hand experience of just some of the ways in which plastics and litter are harming their environment, and to have a first-hand view of the environment and what can be done to help. It also helps children consolidate their existing knowledge and build a better connection with the area that they live in."

An Instagram video was shared by Whitehaven Harbour Youth Project showing their SeaBins in action, racking up 12.4 million views and gaining global recognition for the pioneering piece of technology on the Cumbrian harbour.

Stuart Dunnett Project Director at Whitehaven Harbour Youth Project added: "This project has been expanded from one Seabin in late 2019 funded by the Co-op to an additional six funded by Sellafield SiX – social impact multiplied, which has been amazing to be part of and to witness the effect more SeaBins have on the marina environment and build awareness locally."

The seventh unit, which will see Whitehaven propelled onto the world eco map as the marina with the most SeaBins in mainland Europe, will be installed on July 18 to join the others in the marina.
