Carlisle United defender to raffle off Wembley shirt for good cause

Jack Armer is hoping to raise as much money as possible.

Author: Joseph GartlyPublished 4th Jul 2023

Carlisle United defender Jack Armer is raffling off one of his Wembley match worn shirts off for a 3 year old girl with leukemia.

The shirt, which was worn in the famous win over Stockport in May, will be given to the winner of the raffle, with the defender initially hoping to raise over £1000. He's already doubled this.

He's doing it for Lytham 3 year old Darcie Tobutt after he attended an event for her at a cricket club in his home town of Preston.

He said: "It's unfortunate, I know the daughters dad as I played cricket with him for a few years, and they are a really lovely family.

"There was a do at the cricket club on Saturday night where they raised a couple of grand and then there's been walks and stuff, quite a few people in Preston are pulling together for it. I thought I should do something too so decided to raffle off my shirt.

"Darcie's 46 days through the chemo but it's unfortunate, I've no kids and no missus, but everyone I've spoken to has told me 'if it's your kids then you'd be devastated' so it's just about pulling together and trying to do as much as possible.

"We set the original goal at 1 grand and it passed it in the first few hours. The links on my twitter and the club have put a tweet out too.

"It's only a fiver a ticket, times are tough for some people, so we're not asking for loads, if you want the shirt you can have the shirt."
